Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Virtual Girls Night In: Pink Food
Dorit from prettybaking in Israel made Reeses Nesquik Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcakes, drawing parallels between femininity and chocolate, sweet, dark and addictive.
Asha from Fork Spoon Knife gives us Pomegranate Yogurt Ice Cream, a low fat creamy treat that's packed with anti-oxidants
Arfi from HomeMadeS made Chocolate Buttons and Gluten-Free Vanilla Buttons, reliving some childhood memories.
Vicky from Sweets at Vicky's gives us Gluten Free Black & Pink Cookies, because everyone needs something to constantly pick at during a girls night in!
Yasmeen over at Health Nut made Pink Stuffed Buns, giving us something savoury, and hearty (which will help soak up all the booze I'm serving!).
Kanchan from Kitchen Gossip made Solkadi, a traditional Indian drink usually served with seafood.
Nat from MummaRats Nest made Pink Jelly Cakes, 3-in-1 Biscuits, and Pink Sleeping Teddy Biscuits proving there is no such thing as too much pink when you cook with an Almost-4-Year-Old little girl. (I hear you there Nat!)
Muneeba from An Edible Symphony gives us Girly Cupcakes, gorgeous delicate things with real strawberry puree in the mix
Cakelaw from Laws of the Kitchen made Rose Biscuits pretty, pink, delicate things perfect for Pink October
Of course, I wouldn't be much of a host if I didn't serve anything myself! We've got some Pink Strawberry Cupcakes and these awesomely dangerous Pink Grapefruit Cosmopolitan Smoothies, not the healthiest concoction but man, do they taste good. I wish you could all come around to my house for real to taste these babies, honest!
So that's it for this event. I hope you all had a bit of fun making your pink food, and I'm so pleased so many people came to my little event, and helped spread the word.
To end on a serious note, I hope you consider making a donation to the Cancer Council. The money goes towards research, and support programs for those diagnosed with cancer. See how your money helps.Thank you to all those who have already donated. If you don't feel you can afford to donate any money, then thank you regardless, for donating your time and cooking to make this event such a success, and helping raise awareness. Without your help, this would have just been me blogging on my own, and that would have been pretty sad. Make sure you check back here next October, and we'll make this an annual event!
Please consider making a donation
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kids Cooking Thursday: Honeycomb
6 tbs white sugar
2 tbs golden syrup
2 tsp water
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Place sugar, golden syrup and water in a heavy saucepan and stir over a gentle heat until the sugar is dissolved
Bring to the boil and boil for seven minutes
Remove from the heat and quickly add the bicarbonate of soda
At this point the mixture will froth
Stir quickly and pour into a greased 28x18cm lamington tin
As the mixture starts to cool, mark into pieces
If you'd like to join in with Kids Cooking Thursday please leave a permalink to your own Kids Cooking Thursday post, as per the rules.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dance magic dance...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad
Okay, so I took the cheats way out by buying a Caesar salad kit to make this, but next time I swear I'll do it properly. I felt like it needed vegetables of some sort too, chicken with pasta and bacon and cheese flavoured powders plus salad dressing doesn't really do it for me as nutritionally balanced. But crunchy crumbed chicken forgives a multitude of cooking sins anyway.
Oh, before I forget, there's a new blog out there called Regretsy - who knew there were so many bad taste crafts out there for sale?

Thinking Pink?

Monday, October 26, 2009
Dinner Fail
Kangaroo is a pretty touchy meat to cook, it's needs to be slightly on the rarer side or it goes tough, but too rare and it's not nice at all. Normally I stick to sausages, which cook like any other sausage, but I saw these mini roasts at 1/5th the usual price and couldn't resist. But my evil oven didn't cook hot enough, or something, and by the time I started carving it was, of course, too late. These weren't just rare in the middle, they were practically hopping out of the pan.
Good thing I cooked so many roast potatoes! And DP didn't mind that there was no meat, because I bribed him with dessert.
It's from a packet, but he didn't know that. Shhh!

Menu Plan Monday
Tuesday Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad
Wednesday Balsamic Portabello and Brie Ravioli
Thursday Pizza
Friday Lemon Pasta Bake
Saturday Sandwiches
Sunday Freezer Suprise
A lot of things we didn't get to this week. Like making ravioli or cooking with the kids. Master One fell off a table and bruised his head, which we had to run around getting checked out. That took up three of my days (he's fine though). And on Friday we found out we have to move out in a week's time, so we will be offline for a month while we wait for our house to be ready. I'm going to post the next two weeks KCT recipes, even though the kids didn't cook anything, so that you can try the recipes.
As usual, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for literally hundreds of other menu plan blog posts, and please come back here for Kids Cooking Thursday.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy World Zombie Day!

Saturday, October 24, 2009
I used to believe that my eyes were brown because I ate too much chocolate. Thanks, Dad! - Christine
"My parents would say eat your vegetables, they're good for your motor. So...of course I believed I had a motor, so I'd take my Dad's keys and stick them in my bellybutton to start my motor instead of eating vegetables. I did this until one day my Dad said, if you stick keys in your bellybutton your rearend will fall off. That's when I started to eat my vegetables." - Sherry T.
Just one of the gems from I Used To Believe, the childhood beliefs site.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Flash Game Friday
Test your reflexes. It's not a timewaster, it's science!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lemon Myrtle & Chilli Pork Stir Fry
Tonight's meal was a super cheap one. The big bag of stir fry vegetables had been marked down to 50 cents, and they were already chopped for me! And the pork was leftover from last night, as was the extra capsicum I put in. What made this simple stir fry special was the dry marinade powder I used, Outback Spirit Lemon Myrtle & Chilli. I only used a little, because we aren't too fond of spicy food in this house, but I've kept the rest, because I think it might be nice to coat some haloumi cubes in, before frying and serving with drinks.
Kids Cooking Thursday: Pink Cupcakes
Rose and Strawberry Cupcakes, and Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes
This is what a kilo of strawberries looks like in my food processor
And cakes. Not that they'll last long around here.
Miss Three mixing
Master Five taking a turn
If you'd like to join in with Kids Cooking Thursday please leave a permalink to your own Kids Cooking Thursday post, as per the rules.
Please consider making a donation

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Traffic Light Pork Kebobs
Master Five informed me they weren't really traffic lights though, because it had other colours because of the pork and onion. Next time he's getting sauteed capsicum strips dumped on his bed of rice. Although I'm sure then I'll get complaints about their shape!
Miss Three thought they were tasty. So did Master Five actually, as long as I didn't call them that "wrong" name.

Taste & Create: Mango Cakes

And while they were baking, we tried our hands at making chocolate! From scratch no less!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mother's delicious homecooked Pluto.
When I saw this recipe for Funky Lime Pizza on the Menu Plan Monday at Pass The Beans Please I just had to try it. I loved the bright fresh flavours. The eldest two children didn't like the lime or feta, and Master One refused to take more than a single bite, making me get out the emergency Heinz can of pasta. DP thought it would have been ok without the lettuce on it. (He meant the coriander). This is what I get for cooking something innovative and "fancy". Well pfft to them. I loved it, and wasn't particularly phased that I ate almost a whole pizza to myself either.
Homecooked Pluto
pizza dough (or use your own favourite recipe)
500g grated Mozzarella
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
1/2 large zucchini, thinly sliced
1/2 cup frozen corn kernals
1 1/2 tsp of minced garlic (about 2 cloves)
feta cheese, crumbled
fresh coriander leaves, coarsely chopped
juice of 1 lime
Preheat oven to 230C. Cover two baking trays with baking paper. Divide your dough in half, and roll each half out to the size of your tray. Miss Three helped me with the rolling.
Here she is "rolling" out the zucchini too!
This is a bit of a 'foodie' meal, so perhaps one to use more for Date night than Kids demanding pizza night. Unless your kids are foodies, or at least very fond of sharp flavours like lime and feta.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Can we build it? Yes we can!

Menu Plan Monday
Tuesday Funky Lime Pizza
Wednesday Traffic Light Pork Kebobs
Thursday Lemon Myrtle & Chilli Pork Stir Fry
Friday Pasta Carbonara
Saturday Mac & Cheese, Pizza Muffins, & Carrot sticks
Sunday Sandwiches (after a big Fancy Dress Party afternoon tea)
Kids Cooking Thursday this week will be bringing you Pink Cupcakes (for the Virtual Night In), so be sure to come back for that!
As usual, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for literally hundreds of other menu plan blog posts, and please come back here for Kids Cooking Thursday.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Veal & Mushroom Salad Wraps

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pink Grapefruit Cosmoplitan Smoothie
One part pink grapefruit ice cream. I made a beautiful pink grapefruit ice cream late last year, but unfortunately that was in my non-blogging period, and now I can't find the recipe. I know it was custard based, and I think I may have cannibalised so other sort of citrus ice cream recipe to make it.
Blitz in the blender until smooth. The photo does not do the pinkness of this drink justice.
And the taste? Well apart from moaning, I'd say it's fruity, sweet and tart and creamy and refreshing, and not for people with sensitive teeth - the vodka doesn't freeze until it's way below zero, so this ends up super cold. Pretty strong too.
On second thoughts, perhaps I should not have written this post while I was taste testing. Meh, What's a drunken post or two between friends.
This is the drink I'm serving up for the Virtual Girls Night In. I thought I'd post it up before round up so you could all try some too. If I find that pink grapefruit ice cream recipe, I promise I'll blog it up for you. It's very delicious.