Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rainbow Bookshelf

An awesome library from user chotda, who has some gorgeous pictures of the rest of her house too. I wish I could have a bookshelf like this, but I can imagine it might bug me. I know for sure it would irritate DP no end, as he'd never be able to find anything, nor know where to put it back. Perhaps we could trial it though, it's not like we have any sort of order now, except for sticking series in order, and grouping books by the same author next to each other, most of the time.

Maybe when we get the bookshelves refinished and attached to the walls, DP might let me try this out, if only to get a photo of what it looks like. It would be very good incentive to finally pick an order and go with it, having them all mixed up like that!

(found on freshome, via Young House Love)

I thought this was an apt lazy dinner night post, since this month's NaBloPoMo theme is LOOK UP. That, and I can't resist anything rainbow.