Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Crunchy Chicken and Hutspot

It's hard to photograph tri-colour moosh well

Another relatively simple meal tonight. 2 carrots, 2 onions, and 2 potatoes per person chopped and boiled all together in one pot till cooked. Then mashed with a little milk, butter and some cheese (because I was feeling decadent). Meanwhile, I fried a couple of chicken schnitzels that I bought precrumbed (because I'm lazy, but also because I can't get crumbs to stick to anything other than my hands). I sprinkled them with some tarragon, I really am loving that herb. I'll have to source some fresh whenever it comes into season and see what it really can do.

Hutspot (the aforementioned mash) was a dish my mother frequently made when I was growing up. The onions really give your mash a distinctive taste, and it makes washing up easier too. I liked it when the kids were just starting "people" food, because once they'd tried all three ingredients, I could give them the same thing the family was eating, saving me from having to cook multiple meals. It's a lot tastier than just potatoes mashed on it's own - probably the reason both my two food-eating children loved it so much back then.